Management Training
and Personal Coaching
Management Training
and Personal Coaching

Defining The Future. Living Achievable GOALS.
Pursuing Priorities For The Long Term.
Ensuring Motivation.


In a second step the future goals are defined according to the interview-based analysis of the actual condition as well as the dialog with the executives. The key to this process is a clean and honest analysis of the initial situation as well as the definition of the resources.

Goals as an achievable vision concentrate all resources and energies of an organization on a single focus point. Since all decision makers are fully committed with their heart and soul these visions inspire all employees and ensure long-term success.

We support the company in defining its goals properly. This means among other things to determine them as sufficiently high challenges being at the same time achievable within the scope of the existing resources. Only achievable visions make aspired goals and can be used as an ideal instrument to optimize the motivation.

At the same time goals are closely connected to the products and values of an organization suggesting a common focus on these subjects. Thereby, the personal goals of employer and executives are to be considered. They are defined during personal coaching sessions and afterwards brought into line with the goals of the company.

Goals describe the reached current situation in the future – and, here, future does not only mean in view of the coming year, but of the next 3, 5, 7, or even 10 years. This time horizon allows for a long-term, straightforward and purposeful prosecution of clear priorities and leads to a concrete, stepwise planning. This is updated annually, brought into line with the current development and continued further. Stepwise means that concrete, manageable and controlable intermediate steps are being defined, too.

So, the realities of tomorrow are the result of yesterday’s dreams and our present day actions.