Management Training
and Personal Coaching
Management Training
and Personal Coaching

Using Internal Knowledge. Defining GOALS And Values.
Focussing The Attention On The Customer.
Optimizing Processes And Employment Of Resources.
no written Reports.

securing the future by own knowledge

In order to promote a company and its employees measures like in-house trainings and seminars quickly yielding concrete results for the individual are often taken. These are in any case reasonable and appropriate instruments; but it is even more important to use them in a scope that defines the fundamental issues of a company. Who are we and what are we good at? Where do we want to go? What are the needs of our customers? And how do we assign our employees and other resources?

To answer these basic questions as well as to guide the company away from in many cases sub-optimal conditions is the explicit goal of the Knüfer support concept. Therefore, the cooperation of management and staff is required in order to achieve conditions that all are striving towards. Instead of writing long reports Knüfer always focusses on the on-site development of precise suggestions in cooperation with the customer.

We do not consider our engagement a one-time job, but a long-term commitment to a development process in several steps:

  • Staff survey – the initial situation
    Much basic knowledge already exists within the organization. Interviewing the employees brings this knowledge to light canalizing and structurizing it for the development of concrete solutions.
  • Defining goals – where we want to go
    Only a clear definition of goals enables a definite prioritization and a target-oriented planning. It helps avoiding a zig-zag course as well as a waste of resources.
  • Refining strengths – what the customer really wants
    All of the company’s action is focussed on the customer. To bring his needs in line with the company’s goals guarantees permanent success.
  • Agreeing on values – how we work together
    Values which are accepted by all employees and thereby exemplified to the customer do not only ensure the interpersonal cooperation, but enhance customer loyality, motivation and productivity.
  • Optimizing processes – which structures we need
    Any organization has certain tasks and functions. Only an optimal and coordinated process management provides best results.
  • Using resources – how we achieve our goals
    How can these goals be achieved in an optimal way by means of the existing resources and how can the employees improve their personal development.

In companies all these issues are emerging again and again. Nearly always a person from outside the company is required to deal with them properly. He acts as a neutral observer and moderator accompanying the transformation processes often perceived as difficult. Furthermore he offers additional knowledge as well as the necessary experience for the realization of various approaches.

More rapidly than it is the case with conventional consultants our meetings with staff members – at best made apart from the daily surroundings of company and family – show structured results as well as precise and pragmatic solutions.

What is crucial is that the interests of the whole company and not only those of the employer or an investor are the main focus. Only then – and in the atmosphere of an always open and at the same time confidential communication – changes supported by the whole staff, smooth business processes, higher productivity and motivation are unfolding. In the long run that means more profits, satisfied customers and achieved goals.